Sterren Muziekfeest op het Plein 2018 in Amersfoort
Dutch pupular singers at the square of Amersfoort, 2018
My city Amersfoort has a fantastic, historic center. Remains of settlements in the Amersfoort area from around 1000 BC have been found,
but the name Amersfoort, after a ford in the Amer River, today called the Eem, did not appear until the 11th century.
Amersfoort is called Keistad (boulder-city) and has The inner city of Amersfoort has been preserved well since the Middle Ages.
Apart from the Onze-Lieve-Vrouwetoren, the Koppelpoort, and the Muurhuizen (Wall-houses), there is also the Sint-Joriskerk
(Saint George's church), the canal-system with its bridges, as well as medieval and other old buildings; many are designated as national monuments.
(Source: Wikipedia)
On June 20 2018, Amersfoort hosted a popular Dutch AVROTROS TV show, with lots of Dutch singers:
Jan Smit (host), Bob Offenberg, Danny Froger, Django Wagner, Gerard Joling, Henk Bernard, Henk Dissel, Jannes, Jeffrey Heessen,
Jelle B, Jeroen van der Boom, John de Bever, John West, Marlane, Mart Hoogkamer, Mike Peterson,
O'G3NE (Eurovision Song Contest 2017), Pascal Redeker, René Froger, René Karst en Stef Ekkel,
René Schuurmans, Samantha Steenwijk (The Voice), Sander Kwarten, Sieneke (Eurovision Song Contest 2010), Tim Douwsma,
Tino Martin ft. Gin Dutch, Wesley Klein & Monique Smit, Wesly Bronkhorst, Raymon Hermans & Yves Berendse.
As you can see on my photos, the square was very crowded; they even had to limit the amount of people.
Fortunately I could get in with my cameras (thanks, Floor!) and make lots of photos.
In the background you can see the Onze-Lieve-Vrouwentoren (Tower of Our Lady), one of the tallest medieval church towers in the Netherlands.
Nowadays it is beautifully lighted (light design by Jeroen Jans).

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